Meet Kathleen

How Can I Help?

Building your online presence includes finding the expertise within you. All of you – human, parent, spouse, partner, business owner, volunteer, board member and any other title you carry. You’ve got it. I help dig it out.

What Can I Do For YOU Today?

I find the gold within your marketing that proves YOU are the expert at what you do.

I call your truth The Gold and I specialize in finding Your Gold so it can be infused into your marketing, your online presence, your content, and your community.

I connect Your Gold to your community.

I put YOU out there for YOU.

Boldly. Fully. Unapologetically. Authentically.

I find YOUR gold. Then I use that gold to help make you shine!  No fooling.

For the curious: I have one husband, one kid, 2 cats, a whole bunch of cousins, and no grandparents left alive. I have been known to be hilarious. I don’t like chocolate cake. I love oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.  Why does Snoop Dogg carry an umbrella? Fo drizzle.  I can think big picture and dream with the best of you and then break that down into steps that we accomplish together to fulfill your mission in this lifetime. Boom.

My Gold Marketing Services

The Truth, by nature, doesn’t lie, isn’t false, doesn’t mislead, or pretend to be something that it isn’t.

It just Is.

Your Truth is the same.

Your Truth from Your Soul, Your Source, Your You-ness, Is.

And, part of what makes it Yours is the unique, cumulative experiences, skills, and voice that only YOU can have in this world.

Only You can speak your Truth in the way that you know it to be true.


Sometimes when you are deep in the middle of ALL the things and speaking your Truth out to the world to serve in only the way that you can, it may be difficult to discern Your Truth from all of the other’s out in the world who seem to be saying the same things.

This is how I serve you.

I can see and hear and find Your Truth amidst the noise, the clutter, the forest, all the things.

It IS my specialty.

Why would you need my help?


Think of me as the Polisher of Your Gold.

Anyone can have a ring made of gold, many people do. That doesn’t make it special on its own.

But, if it’s been buffed, finished, and polished, then it will shine brighter than the ordinary gold rings of the crowd.

Have you ever had the experience of being in public and noticed a particularly shiny wedding ring on another woman’s hand? Something about it caught your eye and you were amazed at how beautiful it was. Many women are wearing wedding rings. Not many of those rings catch your eye.

This same is true of your marketing.

If it doesn’t stand out above the crowd, if it doesn’t catch someone’s eye, if it doesn’t shine brighter than the rest, then it will be just as ordinary as all of the other entrepreneurs in your field.

And you are anything but ordinary.

You go above and beyond when serving your clients.

You create content that speaks to the heart of what is needed. 

Your truest desire is for ALL of your clients to be thrilled with the results your services provide!

In reality you cannot control how someone receives Your Truth, or how they interact with your services.

You CAN control how you show up, where you show up, how often you show up, and what you bring with you.

My Gold Marketing Services provide the buffing, finishing, and polishing to Your Truth so it shines brightest for all those you are called to serve.

Want Help Designing Your Gold Marketing Plan

You are where you are. Let's find out where you'd like to be and design a plan to get there.

Schedule your free consultation session with me to get started!